Amiga Plus 1996 #3
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Aweb Conference Log
«Log» | Log started on Sunday 21-Jan-96 at 14:05:39.
«Join» | Arch (dmorrell@max.tiac.net) has joined the channel.
«Join» | BlueLucid (Brian@pslip082.egr-ri.ids.net) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Josef.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to DrWho.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Arch.
«Join» | Madhatter (Tick@twichy.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
DR_pHuQt | *yawn*
DR_pHuQt | he better turn up :)
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Madhatter.
DrWho | Wheres the author at
«Join» | SaxMan (jim@growth.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
Madhatter | cheers
supernov | Mmmm...he still isn't here, could you keep an eye also ?
«Join» | RobR (rcr@ has joined the channel.
DrWho | hes on amiga
DR_pHuQt | aha
Arch | what's his nick?
supernov | THERE HE IS!!
DrWho | rozjin
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to SaxMan.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to RobR.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to BlueLucid.
DrWho | he left
SaxMan | Thankyou
BlueLucid | Cane someone start a log?!?! I gotta go!
BlueLucid | Thx.
BlueLucid | Log? Anyone???
«Join» | Mutaboul (kileak@dialup27.infobahnos.com) has joined the
| channel.
«Join» | rozijn (~yrozijn@ztm02-12.dial.xs4all.nl) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives channel operator status to rozijn.
BlueLucid | I gotta split.
DR_pHuQt | greetings, rozijn
DR_pHuQt | :)
DR_pHuQt | i am loggin
supernov | Don't give to much voice please!
supernov | Rozijn: Hi Yvon! Are you ready for an interview ?
«Join» | moster (mike@line1.factory.it) has joined the channel.
BlueLucid | Thx Dr. See ya.
«Join» | Schrade (schrade@schrade.vip.best.com) has joined the
| channel.
«Join» | _Gator (franka@ has joined the channel.
«Quit» | BlueLucid (Brian@pslip082.egr-ri.ids.net) has signed off
| (Process terminated).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Mutaboul.
rozijn | greetings all.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to moster.
DrWho | rojijn: hows irc so far, having good luck with it
«Join» | XS (xs@ has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to XS.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to _Gator.
«Join» | ThrustMe (~gc948374@oersted.gbar.dtu.dk) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Schrade.
rozijn | supernov: ok.
Mutaboul | Al Rojijn.. It's your first IRC/???!! (supernov said that!)
«Join» | Dr_Goot (jon@dialup101-048.swipnet.se) has joined the
| channel.
MrsWobble | hi Scrade!
«Part» | _Gator (franka@ has left the channel.
«Join» | Wbunaarf (~Unknown@ppp202.klippan.se) has joined the channel.
«Join» | Teletran (~eyrej@ki-ppp63.kosone.com) has joined the channel.
rozijn | mutaboul: yes my very first irc.
«Join» | qnzqn (~bobzub@ppp081-sf2.sirius.com) has joined the channel.
XS | Heya Yvon !
Schrade | Heya MrsWobble
supernov | Ok guys! He's ready for an interview.
«Join» | Kiequoo (dan@adolf.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
Mutaboul | Rozijn: Good.. heheh :)
«Join» | Bit (~dsaxer@mainframe.bitcom.ch) has joined the channel.
supernov | Let's get some order in here!
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt changes the channel mode to unmoderated
DR_pHuQt | hmm
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from XS.
Teletran | Hey folks..
«Join» | DevilMan (~keesh@grafix.xs4all.nl) has joined the channel.
qnzqn | re?
DR_pHuQt | suoernov: Well see how it goes.. if it gets too noisy, I
| will slap the m on, ok?
«Join» | Akkar (~arneb@sinsen.sn.no) has joined the channel.
XS | looks like ppl love AWeb !
«Join» | Bogsnes (~bogsnes@ has joined the channel.
supernov | dr_phuqt: Ok!
«Join» | NorthWay2 (borgen@hstud0.cs.UiT.No) has joined the channel.
qnzqn | I havent tried it
Schrade | XS: People just want a web browser that WORKS :)
ThrustMe | XS: It is just wonderful
«Topic» | New topic by supernov: You may ask your questions.
DrWho | what plans are there for aweb when can we get beta
«Action» | supernov says: Questions to Rozijn are now allowed.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from moster.
«Join» | Scuba (dfischer@user5.datacomm.ch) has joined the channel.
Bogsnes | Will Aweb support ALL html 3 code?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Mutaboul.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Schrade.
rozijn | DrWho: in feb or march a first public beta
«Join» | MrG_ (liquid@tangh.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from RobR.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from SaxMan.
«Join» | RexOrient (~alain@dialup37.hasselt.eunet.be) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Madhatter.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Arch.
«Quit» | Dr_Goot (jon@dialup101-048.swipnet.se) has signed off (Dr
| Goot is gone for now... (Phew)).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from DrWho.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Josef.
DR_pHuQt | phew
DR_pHuQt | sorry
DR_pHuQt | :)
Madhatter | (:-}
DrWho | rozijn: ftp, mailto, and newsgroups to be implemented or is
| this gonna be evolving project
«Join» | ericgir (ericgir@ericgir.HIP.CAM.ORG) has joined the channel.
«Join» | Sherlock (umjbrett@dyn2-012.cc.umanitoba.ca) has joined the
| channel.
«Part» | MrsWobble (~Donna@worf.albanyis.com.au) has left the channel.
DR_pHuQt | rozijn: Do you plan to incorporate support for
| Authentication, or SSL in AWEB at any point?
rozijn | DrWho: I try to implement at least ftp:, and gopher: as
| gopher seems to be very easy
«Join» | DarkMagi (darkmagi@pm034-05.dialip.mich.net) has joined the
| channel.
«Join» | Zool (zool@outland.cyberwar.com) has joined the channel.
«Join» | taza (taza@pool56.maple.net) has joined the channel.
«Join» | TurricaN (TurricaN@starbase.inka.de) has joined the channel.
Schrade | No one uses gopher anymore :)
«Join» | JD_ (droege@sdroege.wolfsburg.netsurf.de) has joined the
| channel.
Teletran | Does AWEB use its own method for displaying inlined graphics?
DarkMagi | when will aweb be available?
DrWho | rozijn: cool, what are your plans for the gui, (are you a
| mui hater or liker)
DrWho | re Darkmagi
ThrustMe | Schrade: It is nice when FTP and HTTP fails
rozijn | DR_pHuQt: I will have a look at these to see what they
| involve, and if possible I include it in the future
«Join» | steiner (steiner@dial008-01.kd.qd.se) has joined the channel.
DarkMagi | yo doc.
rozijn | Teletran: it uses datatypes
«Join» | lammy (lamers@Hahn.heim1.tu-clausthal.de) has joined the
| channel.
DR_pHuQt | rozijn: thanks :) so far, I can't use any amiga web
| browsers on my own secure site :)
steiner | re
«Join» | kilyman (~mike@kily.ruhr.de) has joined the channel.
TurricaN | rozijn: Where could i get a prerelease or a beta (if the is
| a public beta ect..)
rozijn | DrWho: I hate mui, that's why I started AWeb
«Part» | XS (xs@ has left the channel.
«Join» | ChrisDi (chrisdi@chrisdi.wupper.de) has joined the channel.
ChrisDi | Hi!
DrWho | rozijn: how about classact
kilyman | Hy !
steiner | I heard that AWeb will be FreeWare.. why not SW?
rozijn | TurricaN: at the moment you can't.
DR_pHuQt | hmm
ChrisDi | How is it?
DR_pHuQt | we are going +m
«Join» | RobD (~robdtff@tff.xs4all.nl) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt changes the channel mode to moderated
«Join» | wocket (wocket@supersonic.ruhr.de) has joined the channel.
«Join» | SoldierX (~herbert@dial0.netcentral.co.uk) has joined the
| channel.
DR_pHuQt | all: please msg a chanop, to get voice :) a pain, but it
| will cut down on duplication
supernov | Ok...some order.
«Join» | thb (bath0011@rz03.FH-Karlsruhe.DE) has joined the channel.
rozijn | steiner: because I want to spend my time on further
| developing, not on bookkeeping sw fees and sending out
| keyfiles
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives channel operator status to Josef.
rozijn | steiner: and because it's just not finished
supernov | rozijn: We have a moderated channel now....it'll be easier
| for you now.
DR_pHuQt | all: please msg a chanop, to get voice :) a pain, but it
| will cut down on duplication
rozijn | zool: I don't know anythong about classact
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt changes the channel mode to no user limit
«Join» | _Chucky_ (~chucky@dial002-01.kd.qd.se) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | supernov gives voice to ChrisDi.
rozijn | DarkMagi: in feb or march
«Join» | Polarn (marcus@sl46.modempool.kth.se) has joined the channel.
rozijn | zool: ok
«Join» | Fionn (~gl068@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de) has joined the
| channel.
«Quit» | DevilMan (~keesh@grafix.xs4all.nl) has signed off
| (Connection reset by peer).
«Join» | maybe1 (~oldmn@ppp30.beaver.pgh.net) has joined the channel.
ChrisDi | rozijn: Hello! Thats about proxy-support? And thats the
| current version 0.6a?
«Quit» | RobR (rcr@ has signed off (Read error to
| RobR[rcr@]: Error 0).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to steiner.
rozijn | ThrustMe: I plan to do so
steiner | rozijn: oki.. nice touch though... It's already very
| popular (altough noone officially have it) :)
«Join» | mny4nuth (mny4nuth@ix-pon-mi4-06.ix.netcom.com) has joined
| the channel.
rozijn | ThrustMe: (in a future version)
«Join» | Wimflam (peterbe@tsunx.ctn.cogs.susx.ac.uk) has joined the
| channel.
«Join» | DevilMan_ (~keesh@grafix.xs4all.nl) has joined the channel.
«Join» | LowLight (Electr29@ has joined the channel.
steiner | Hey.. The lightbulb turned into a mic :)
«Join» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
«Join» | RobR (rcr@ has joined the channel.
rozijn | Bogsnes: I'm working full time on it. In a couple of montch
«Part» | Bogsnes (~bogsnes@ has left the channel.
DR_pHuQt | all: please do not /msg rozijn- msg a chanop to get voice,
| so everyone can see the question and answer
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to lammy.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from steiner.
rozijn | kilyman: not in the first public version, but its in my list
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes channel operator status from rozijn.
«Quit» | Sherlock (umjbrett@dyn2-012.cc.umanitoba.ca) has signed off
| (yay...i see answers, but no questions...this is not good!).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to rozijn.
«Quit» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has signed off (Connecting to
| new server).
lammy | where can we get e demo of aweb ?
«Join» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
«Join» | Sherlock (umjbrett@dyn2-012.cc.umanitoba.ca) has joined the
| channel.
«Part» | mny4nuth (mny4nuth@ix-pon-mi4-06.ix.netcom.com) has left
| the channel.
rozijn | lammy: in feb or march the real version from aminet
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Arch.
«Quit» | TurricaN (TurricaN@starbase.inka.de) has signed off (Muß
| jetzt mal wech...).
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from ChrisDi.
rozijn | Mutaboul: that's on my list for a future version
«Join» | Kave (Kave@kyushu-brs.kdtnet.se) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from lammy.
«Quit» | Kiequoo (dan@adolf.demon.co.uk) has signed off
| (Terminating...).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to DrWho.
«Join» | Cynicist (~glen@g-nelmes.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
«Part» | maybe1 (~oldmn@ppp30.beaver.pgh.net) has left the channel.
DR_pHuQt | all: ask for voive, and then ask your question out loud,
| please
DrWho | rozijn: multiple sockets in the plans somewhere
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
«Echo» | CTCP.HELP: Swatch ~g.magnini@agora.stm.it
DrWho | supernov: messaged josef about 5 times
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to LowLight.
«Part» | wocket (wocket@supersonic.ruhr.de) has left the channel.
rozijn | lammy: I have several betatesters already
«Chan Mode» | supernov gives voice to Mutaboul.
«Quit» | Wbunaarf (~Unknown@ppp202.klippan.se) has signed off (Ping
| timeout).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from DrWho.
Mutaboul | Supernov: thank
LowLight | Thanks Dr_P: I was wondering what GFX cards will be
| supported for Aweb. I have an Opalvision and its does not
| support WB
«Quit» | SaxMan (jim@growth.demon.co.uk) has signed off (Ping
| timeout).
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from Arch.
DR_pHuQt | rozijn: will aweb work with cybergfx?
rozijn | LowLight: no GFX cards yet. Only OS compatible
«Chan Mode» | supernov gives voice to ChrisDi.
LowLight | Ok thank you rozijn
ChrisDi | rozijn: Whats about multi-Port connect to a WWW-Site to get
| Images simultan?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from LowLight.
Mutaboul | Rozijn: If Aweb will get Asynchronous operation in the
| future (Ouff.. I really ask FUTURE question!)
rozijn | DR_pHuQt: if it supports OS functions
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
DR_pHuQt | rozijn: Fionn just told me that it seems to like cybergfx
| already...
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to SoldierX.
SoldierX | what's your opinion on AmiTCP... is it too hard to setup
| for people who are new to comms... do you think it will
| ultimatly destroy the internet viability of the amiga ?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Fionn.
rozijn | ChrisDi: On my list.
«Join» | shadow20 (jwhite19@ont-ca3-16.ix.netcom.com) has joined the
| channel.
«Quit» | Cynicist (~glen@g-nelmes.demon.co.uk) has signed off (Ping
| timeout).
Fionn | rozijn: what about Proxy-Support? I think this is very
| important.
rozijn | Mutaboul: in the future, yes.
«Part» | thb (bath0011@rz03.FH-Karlsruhe.DE) has left the channel.
«Window» | Private messages and notices are now displayed in this
| window.
«Part» | shadow20 (jwhite19@ont-ca3-16.ix.netcom.com) has left the
| channel.
«Window» | Crap is now displayed in this window.
ChrisDi | rozijn: And all the Netscape-Commands? Java? ...
«Topic» | New topic by DR_pHuQt: Grab a voice, and ask away :)
Mutaboul | Rozijn: Thnak continue your fabulous work!
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
rozijn | SoldierX: a simpler installer tool would be very nice.
«Part» | Wimflam (peterbe@tsunx.ctn.cogs.susx.ac.uk) has left the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Mutaboul.
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from Mutaboul.
SoldierX | rozijn: Would you like to work on such a tool ?
«Join» | Tau (oahvenla@pallo.cs.hut.fi) has joined the channel.
rozijn | SoldierX: but with some decent explanation most beginners
| can install amitcp well
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives channel operator status to Tau.
Tau | wow, a lot of people
«Part» | RobD (~robdtff@tff.xs4all.nl) has left the channel.
«Chan Mode» | supernov gives voice to ThrustMe.
ThrustMe | Will it support <FIG>ures as in the HTML 3.0 draft?
ThrustMe | And client side image maps?
«Part» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has left the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to taza.
taza | I, too, would like to see Direct CyberGraphX and VRML
| Support ! :)
Tau | rozijn, I can port AWeb to Inet225. Will you accept help?
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from taza.
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from SoldierX.
DR_pHuQt | next question? /msg for a voice
Fionn | AWEb runs perfectly with CGFX and 24 bit picture datatypes
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to qnzqn.
«Join» | fb (vmlintu@sci.fi) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | Josef gives voice to Bit.
«Join» | fallous (~fallous@s40.slip.ksu.edu) has joined the channel.
«Join» | Neuros (Neuros@dal06-26.ppp.iadfw.net) has joined the
| channel.
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
«Part» | LowLight (Electr29@ has left the channel.
Bit | rozijn: What's your next steps in the next days of
| development?
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from ThrustMe.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Teletran.
qnzqn | thanks doc, will sounds and images be handled with
| datatypes, or will something like amisox be needed to play
| sounds? will these be built in or????
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Schrade.
«Join» | Bogsnes (bogsnes@ has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from ChrisDi.
«Quit» | Madhatter (Tick@twichy.demon.co.uk) has signed off (Ping
| timeout).
Tau | fionn, except that it does datatype rendering sub-optimally
| (freezes up the pointer for a while)
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Teletran.
«Join» | Papoose (migueres@nicecf.sct.fr) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | Josef removes voice from Bit.
DR_pHuQt | damn
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Neuros.
«Part» | Papoose (migueres@nicecf.sct.fr) has left the channel.
«Join» | thickrob (~bobby@europa134.europa.com) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to steiner.
«Action» | Josef is going afk for a few hours, staying to log
| conference.
«Chan Mode» | Josef removes channel operator status from Josef.
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
DR_pHuQt | josef: i have a log rolling :)
«Part» | JD_ (droege@sdroege.wolfsburg.netsurf.de) has left the
| channel.
Neuros | When is AWEB going to support mailto?
«Part» | RexOrient (~alain@dialup37.hasselt.eunet.be) has left the
| channel.
«Join» | yrozijn (~yrozijn@mas01-28.dial.xs4all.nl) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from steiner.
«Quit» | SoldierX (~herbert@dial0.netcentral.co.uk) has signed off
| (Connection reset by peer).
«Part» | thickrob (~bobby@europa134.europa.com) has left the channel.
«Quit» | yrozijn (~yrozijn@mas01-28.dial.xs4all.nl) has signed off
| (EOF From client).
«Quit» | rozijn (~yrozijn@ztm02-12.dial.xs4all.nl) has signed off
| (Ping timeout).
«Join» | PhalanxJr (~kbellve@umabnet.ab.umd.edu) has joined the
| channel.
DR_pHuQt | oooh damn, that smarts
«Chan Mode» | supernov gives voice to ChrisDi.
ChrisDi | Will there be an intelligent Cachesystem for AWEb?
ChrisDi | Hmmm hes away?
«Quit» | Bogsnes (bogsnes@ has signed off (Connecting
| to new server).
DR_pHuQt | all: author just pingd out- we will have to wait for him to
| reconnect
supernov | Mmmm...all: He seems to have troubles.
Tau | figures that when I hear about it, the guy pings out
DR_pHuQt | thanks for your paitience
Fionn | The possibility to use a proxy is imho the most important
| missing feature.
«Part» | Polarn (marcus@sl46.modempool.kth.se) has left the channel.
«Part» | Mutaboul (kileak@dialup27.infobahnos.com) has left the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt changes the channel mode to unmoderated.
«Join» | SaxMan (jim@growth.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
DR_pHuQt | okidoo
Zool | Tau: Not like you missed that much
supernov | Mmmm...all: Or he was just overwelmed with questions...it
| is his 1st at IRC.
Tau | fionn, and trivial to add
«Join» | caldi (~caldi@naihp2.nai.net) has joined the channel.
DR_pHuQt | fight amongst yourselfs for a bit
«Join» | yrozijn (~yrozijn@ztm03-03.dial.xs4all.nl) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to yrozijn.
Tau | zool, what I'm missing is the source to the http module so
| that I could make it work on a real stack
lammy | Tau: what did he say to Inet
fallous | huhuh
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt changes the channel mode to moderated.
yrozijn | I'm here again, connection dropped
Tau | rozijn, I can port AWeb to Inet225. Will you accept help?
ChrisDi | Will there be an intelligent Cachesystem for AWEb?
DR_pHuQt | okeydoyey.. rrrrollem :)
Fionn | Tau: jup. Direct gfx support would be nice tho for gifs ->
| nicely displaying interlaced gifs while loading like
| Netscrape
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to steiner.
yrozijn | Tau: if there is enough demand for a Inet225 version
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
Tau | yrozijn, I demand it ;)
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from qnzqn.
DR_pHuQt | all: we're live again, grab a voice and ask away
yrozijn | ChrisDi: again, in the future. It's on my list
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to qnzqn.
«Join» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
DR_pHuQt | qnz: try again?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from steiner.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to lammy.
yrozijn | steiner: mailto/news not in the first version. It will be
| in a future version.
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from Schrade.
«Part» | Neuros (Neuros@dal06-26.ppp.iadfw.net) has left the channel.
«Join» | Wo1verine (woodj@enterprise.america.com) has joined the
| channel.
_Chucky_ | Varrå för nån?
lammy | I heard AT plans to pu Inet into there Internet paket, so
| it would be importent to support INET
yrozijn | Tau: ok, maybe you can help me :-)
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
Tau | yrozijn, I recommend lauching a mail reader in "send mode"
| for mailto: "Voodoo MAIL TO <address> SUBJECT <url>" would
| work nicely.
«Join» | billing (billing@oberon.df.lth.se) has joined the channel.
«Join» | JamesBart (James@bartonjw.demon.co.uk) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Fionn.
«Join» | P-Gary (~gary@dslip06.canit.se) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from ChrisDi.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Zool.
yrozijn | lammy: If that is true, then it is important, yes.
DR_pHuQt | tau: i bet you do :)
_Chucky_ | hm låter kul
Tau | dr, heheh. ;)
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to DrWho.
DR_pHuQt | tau: a damned fine mailer, from what little I have seen, btw
Tau | rozijn, any time you feel like sending the HTTP module
| source here, feel free ;)
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from qnzqn.
«Join» | RedWine_ (brianc@port00.lnd.com) has joined the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to JamesBart.
yrozijn | Tau: ok, the amitcp part is about 50lines
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives channel operator status to RedWine_.
DR_pHuQt | re RW, have some reins
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
lammy | when will other protocolls than http: and file be supportet ?
«Action» | RedWine_ mutters something about Inet-225.
«Join» | Mutaboul (kileak@dialup89.infobahnos.com) has joined the
| channel.
DR_pHuQt | rw: tau has already raised it :)
«Action» | RedWine_ raises it again. :)
«Join» | MiZaK (rcalhoun@clark.net) has joined the channel.
yrozijn | lammy: I try to get ftp: and gopher: working in the first vsn
lammy | and what about mailto: ?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to PhalanxJr.
_Chucky_ | WOW! DCC? :)
«Join» | Mitchman (pettern@ns.icenet.no) has joined the channel.
«Part» | MiZaK (rcalhoun@clark.net) has left the channel.
«Quit» | Wo1verine (woodj@enterprise.america.com) has signed off
| (Wo1verine).
Tau | yr, why not use external handlers? For example, there is a
| HTTP: dos handler already.
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from Zool.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from DrWho.
yrozijn | lammy: not in this version
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from lammy.
_Chucky_ | aha.. up 2 u :)
JamesBart | Dr_PhuQt: My dad just called you a child abuducter.
«Quit» | Schrade (schrade@schrade.vip.best.com) has signed off
| (Operation timed out).
PhalanxJr | yrozijn: it is very simple to make a programautosense which
| stack is in place, look at AmIRC, AmFTP, and Voyager for
| example of this
DR_pHuQt | jamebart: thanks for sharing that with us :)
JamesBart | Why does AWeb have incompatabilities with Magicmenu?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from JamesBart.
yrozijn | Tau: I don't know of it. Where can I find it?
«Quit» | DrWho (Mike@tc3dialin19.tc3net.com) has signed off (Ping
| Timeout).
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to qnzqn.
qnzqn | ok ready?
DR_pHuQt | qnz: catch! *throws mic*
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
Tau | I don't think it is released. I don't know if the author
| wants everyone asking him about it, but I'll ask him to
| contact your, yr
yrozijn | JamesBart: it did in version 0.2 fixed in later versions
qnzqn | yroz: will aweb need an external proggie to play sounds
| like amisox, or will it use datatypes, or will there be
| some kind of built in sounds player?
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to JamesBart.
yrozijn | PhalanxJr: any source code available?
qnzqn | thanks
RedWine_ | I haven't seen AWeb yet. Probably won't until there is an
| IW225 version.
Tau | yr, I can easily make the TCP/IP code autosense the stack.
| No problem.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from qnzqn.
DR_pHuQt | qnz: finally :)
«Join» | Riffer (kai@penny.prima.ruhr.de) has joined the channel.
yrozijn | qn: external player, mayby datatypes in future
«Chan Mode» | supernov removes voice from JamesBart.
«Join» | Arma (dillo@halt.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
yrozijn | Tau: ok
DR_pHuQt | :)
DR_pHuQt | all: some more questions? /msg for a voice
«Join» | DrWho (Mike@tc3dialin15.tc3net.com) has joined the channel.
«Part» | MrG_ (liquid@tangh.demon.co.uk) has left the channel.
yrozijn | jamesBart: That's the 0.2 problem. I'll have a look
«Quit» | PhalanxJr (~kbellve@umabnet.ab.umd.edu) has signed off
| (Ping timeout).
«Part» | DarkMagi (darkmagi@pm034-05.dialip.mich.net) has left the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to moster.
«Chan Mode» | supernov gives voice to Scuba.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to kris.
moster | yr: How come did you decide to write a webbrowser?
«Part» | JamesBart (James@bartonjw.demon.co.uk) has left the channel.
yrozijn | moster: I wasn't happy with amosaic/mui and the ever
| delayed ibrowse
Scuba | I think loadable modules for VRLM, Java etc. would be
| great, especially for 3rd party developers.
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
moster | yr: good work - keep going
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from moster.
yrozijn | scuba: I think so too. Maybe in some future version I'll
| add support for 3rd party modules
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Scuba.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Arma.
RedWine_ | java.datatype
yrozijn | redwine: where?
Arma | yrozijn: do you have any plans to make it a commercial
| product ?
Tau | nowhere ;)
Tau | damn, that would be one huge datatype
RedWine_ | That was a wish, not a statement of existence. ;)
DR_pHuQt | rw: feh
yrozijn | arma: first release freeware, later releases shareware.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Arma.
DR_pHuQt | more questions?
yrozijn | Tau: for *serious* questions, suggestions, only:
| yrozijn@xs4all.nl
«Join» | mread (mar@nanosoft.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
«Join» | Marcink (~silviom@tibg4.vol.it) has joined the channel.
Tau | 'k.
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
«Join» | Doozy (~Daniel@dialup100-032.swipnet.se) has joined the
| channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Arma.
Tau | I'm dead serious about all of this. I want a decent IW225
| web browser, and I'm ready to work for it
«Quit» | DrWho (Mike@tc3dialin15.tc3net.com) has signed off (Ping
| Timeout).
yrozijn | Zool: ok
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to ThrustMe.
yrozijn | Tau: ok, I'll send you the source part
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from kris.
Arma | yrozijn: roughly how much will the shareware fee be please ?
Scuba | Will you support the special Netscape-Tags?
ThrustMe | yrozijn: Is there any chance of internal PNG support (same
| reason as for GIFs)?
yrozijn | Arma: I don't know yet
«Part» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has left the channel.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Arma.
yrozijn | thrustme: what is PNG?
Tau | Portable Network Graphics
RedWine_ | yroz: GIF++ ;)
Tau | the "replacement" for GIF.
DR_pHuQt | yroz: png is a royalty free compressed picture format,
| similar to gif
«Join» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
ThrustMe | yrozijn: An image format with better compression than GIF +
| 24 bit + better interlacing
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from Scuba.
«Quit» | fallous (~fallous@s40.slip.ksu.edu) has signed off (I'm off
| to save education and the world as I know it. Fuck what
| you know.).
ThrustMe | yrozijn: and no copyright/patent problems
Tau | 1-48 bit, 8 bit alpha channel, better interlacing, better
| compression, public domain
yrozijn | If there is a datatype for PNG, it's easy.
DR_pHuQt | there is a png datatype
DR_pHuQt | that's in the log :)
ThrustMe | yrozijn: There is a datatype for PNG
Tau | there is a datatype for PNG, but you lose the
| interlacing/show while loading
DR_pHuQt | tau: so write a better one :-)
ThrustMe | yrozijn: I just wanted to see it while loading
Tau | dr, the fact that it is a datatype means that it isn't
| possible.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt removes voice from ThrustMe.
Tau | all of the data must be available before a datatype can
| start doing its work
DR_pHuQt | tau: it wasn't sarcasm, I am deadly serious...
supernov | All: /msg an operator to get voice please.
«Chan Mode» | DR_pHuQt gives voice to Arma.
yrozijn | thrustme: I don't want to rewrite gif, jpeg, png datatypes
DR_pHuQt | yroz: do you plan to support progressive jpeg?
Tau | dr, maybe you misunderstood me. Because it is a datatype,
| it can not do show while loading. Datatypes don't do it.
«Quit» | RedWine_ (brianc@port00.lnd.com) has signed off (Grapevine
| exiting.).
Arma | yrozijn: the speed is very good but do u have any more
| plans or ideas to make it any faster ?
DR_pHuQt | tau: ah- it can only do full decodes, and not streams?
yrozijn | dr: what's that
Tau | dr, right
«Chan Mode» | Tau gives voice to Riffer.
yrozijn | arma: parallel image loading, multiple windows
Riffer | Does AWeb support DataTypes?
DR_pHuQt | yroz: netscape, and a few others show you a progressively
| inproving picture, as it downloads, it's a wierd kind of
| jpeg, in the v6 standardm afaik
yrozijn | riffer: yes
Tau | uhhuh.
DR_pHuQt | he doesnt need to
yrozijn | dr: not with datatypes
«Join» | Quacks (quacks@paula.owl.de) has joined the channel.
«Quit» | billing (billing@oberon.df.lth.se) has signed off (Leaving).
Tau | riffer, makes you wonder why we would be talking about
| datatypes otherwise, doesn't it?
yrozijn | supernov: ik wil er even tussenuit
«Part» | qnzqn (~bobzub@ppp081-sf2.sirius.com) has left the channel.
DR_pHuQt | yroz: as tau pointed out, it can't work with datatypes..
| you have to decode the stream yourself.. but I think src
| is easily available... it would have to be threaded, I
| suppose
supernov | yrozijn: Ok...je jan gaan...kom je nog terug ?
«Join» | Tunes (Tunes@dhall.demon.co.uk) has joined the channel.
DR_pHuQt | super: can we stick to english, for us poor monolinguistic
| tools, please?
yrozijn | I leave the channel now, I'll be back later
yrozijn | Tau: we speak later
«Part» | yrozijn (~yrozijn@ztm03-03.dial.xs4all.nl) has left the
| channel.
Tau | yrozijn, any schedule for HTML 3 support?
Tau | oops
DR_pHuQt | okeydokey.
«Part» | kris (Kris@kphil.demon.co.uk) has left the channel.
DR_pHuQt | looks like that's our lot
«Quit» | Bit (~dsaxer@mainframe.bitcom.ch) has signed off (Client
| exiting).
DR_pHuQt | thanks, *
«Part» | Quacks (quacks@paula.owl.de) has left the channel.
«Part» | Riffer (kai@penny.prima.ruhr.de) has left the channel.
DR_pHuQt | supernov: nicely arranged!
supernov | All: Ok...he's gone and will be back later on. Thanx for
| being here!
«Topic» | New topic by DR_pHuQt: yrozijn has left the building.
Log conversion and pasting by Josef Faulkner (panther@gate.net) IRC: Josef
Thanks to steiner, DR_pHuQt, and Ashiq for help in sending me the fragments
of log that we all managed to get :)